- Nominal capacity: 111kWh
- WLTP range: 590km
- 0-100 km/h: 4.9sec
- All Wheel Drive: 380kW
- All Wheel Drive: 370kW
- 0-100 km/h: 4.5sec
- Nominal capacity: 114kWh
- WLTP range: 513km
automobile means byname auto, is called motorcar or private car, a generally four wheeled vehicle designed primarily for traveler transport and commonly propelled by an internal combustion engine using a volatile fuel. the automobile is a motor vehicle with wheelers. Most definitions of cars say that they run mainly on roads, seat one to eight or morethen seat, have four wheels, and mainly transport people an instead of goods
A automobile or car is a motor vehicle with wheels. The automotive artistry comprises a wide range of companies. Automobile is a any function of everything. From amazing supercars to wild mini cars. a traveler vehicle designed for operation on ordinary roads and typically having four wheel.
The meaning of AUTO MOBILE is a usually four wheeled automotive vehicle schematic for traveler transport. is the automobile a car, the vehicle with four wheels and an internal burning engine. a automobile is one of the most common ways to traveling.
There are lotof different type of vehicles in automobiles, for example, cars, buses, trucks, bikes etc. An automobile is a self propelled vehicle that has a power source for its conduct and is used to travel passengers and any kinds ofgoods on land,
number one. On the Basis of Load
number two. On the Basis of Wheels
number three. On the basis of Fuel Used
number four. Passenger Vehicle
number five. Special Purpose Vehicle
number six. According to Load carrying capacity
number saven. Medium transport vehicle (MMV)
number eight. According to the number of wheels
number nine. On the basis of body style
number ten. On the basis of Transmission
number eleven. On the basis of Drive
number twelve. On the basis of Driving Axle
number tharteen. Position of Engine
number fourteen togg turkish car
number fifteen vinfast
number sixteen opel car
number seventeen byd auto
Auto mobile associations, also referred to as motor clubs, motoring association, motor clubs, are organizations, either for-profit or non-profit, which motorists drivers and vehicle owners. can joining to enjoy benefits provided by the club relating to leading a vehicle.
we are discuess step by step top car brands in the world .give me sometime with our and see bellow
1 Toyota
2 Volkswagen Group
3 Hyundai
4 General Motors
5 Ford
6 Nissan
7 Honda
8 Fiat Chrysler Automobilesa
9 Renault
10 PSA Groupa
11 Suzuki
13 Daimler
14 BMW
15 Geely
top 10 car brands in the world