the automobile association

Pros :
  • automobile association : also referred to as motoring clubs, motoring associations, motor clubs, are organizations, either for-profit or non-profit, who motorists drivers and vehicle owners can be join and enjoy benefits provided by the club relating to driving a vehicle.
  • Availability:
Cons :
  • automobile association

what is automobile association

AA Limited, trading as The AA earlier The Automobile Association, is a British motoring association stabilised in 1905, as a recently provides vehicle insurance, driving lessons, breakdown cover, loans, motoring advice give to vehicle owners and drivers road maps and other services. The association in 1999, to become of a mutual organization private limited company, and 2014 a public limited company (plc). In 2021, a fellowship led by Tower Brook capital partners and Warburg Pincus  accomplished the acquirements of AA Limited (formerly known as AA PLC). In 2002 the AA Motoring Trust was created to continue its public interest and road safety activities.

benefit of automobile association

#minor traffic offenses using the membership card as a bail bond. Since other state law enforcement agencies frequently do not accept posting out- of- state driver 's licenses as bail bonds but frequently accept motor club member cards, this is especially helpful for members driving outside of their home state in the USA .

#Upon presentation of the membership card, an emergency road service is provided. Withagreements with various local towing and other emergency road service providers, there is frequently a nationwide network.

#providing members with maps or, in some cases , other travel or motoring information.

#In some circumstances, reward stickers or decals may be given to the member to hang in their vehicle 's window in exchange for someone reporting or finding the stolen vehicle.

#Members may occasionally receive certain car- related services at a lower cost , such as transferring ownership.

#When members of specific motor clubs present their membership cards, some businesses, like motels, may offer them discounts.

#Besides, different countries have different types of benefits

automobile association of bangladesh

The Automobile Association of Bangladesh (AAB) was established in 1953,  international driving license bangladesh form download here

corporate office address, 

3B,Outer Circular Road ,Maghbazar, Dhaka-1217.

Opposite of Agora Shopping Center.

Support Requests

Phone :+88-02-9361054,+88-02-9341342

Cell :+8801711819958-59,01977819959,01979299786

E-mail :

website , automobile association of bangladesh facebook page

Application Form for International Driving Permit

BRTA does not issue International Driving Permits. Automobile Association of Bangladesh issues International Driving Permit. For detailed information regarding this, it is requested to contact Automobile Association of Bangladesh, 3B Outer Circular Road, Moghbazar, Dhaka-1217 (Phone: 9361054, 9341342, Mobile: 01711-819958, 01611-819959, 01979-299786).

automobile association of singapore

singapore automobile association AA Singapore is the leading motoring association in Singapore, providing roadside assistance services, lifestyle benefits and privileges to members

singapore automobile association started in 1907 with only 56 members. when it has grown of a Association providing multi-faceted services provied and activities.

Roadside Assistance Service( RAS) and the voice of drivers are both provided by the Association. In addition to its motoring- related services, AA Singapore also offers a wide range of lifestyle and driving workshops as well as driving vacations.

The Federation Internationale de l'Automobile( FIA), which represents the motoring interests of over 200 member associations across more than 140 nations, is affiliated with AA Singapore. When driving abroad, AA Members can anticipate receiving the same level of convenience and support thanks to this affiliation.

Carnet de Passages en Douane and International Driving Permit are only issued by AA Singapore. online automobile association of singapore apply here

International Driving Permit (IDP) Application in Singapore
Having an International Driving Permit( IDP) can lessen the inconvenience for drivers in nations where English is not widely spoken if you are traveling abroad and intend to drive.
The International Driving Permit facilitates communication with car rental companies and other authorities by containing driving terms in a variety of languages. The UN Convention on Road Traffic has only authorized IDP as a formal legal document.
Where Can I Apply for a Permit to Drive Internationally?
Theauthorized organization in Singapore to issue an international driving permit is the Automobile Association of Singapore( AA). This international driving license, issued by AA Singapore, is valid for one year from the date of issuance in accordance with the Convention Road Traffic of September 19, 1949.
For more information , call the Singapore Traffic Police at 6547 0000 or click here( then select "Singapore Driving Licence" for foreigners who wish to convert their license to a Singapore driving license.
How much does it cost to apply for an international driving permit in Singapore?
At AA Singapore, we make sure that getting a foreign driver 's license is as inexpensive as possible. An international driver 's license can be obtained for just$ 20 and is delivered right away when you arrive to make the application. Online applications are subject to a$ 5.50 courier fee, and it takes 10 working days to process and deliver them.

we are provided country wise as like automobile association of canada,

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