New Huawei P11 Lite recently leaked on Amazon Japan. Huawei’s 2018 roadmap leaked and revealed that the next-gen P series smartphones will arrive in Q2 2018 though will likely be announced in Q1. One of them is the Huawei P11 Lite (or P20 Lite). That revealed next after Huawei P11x.
There are reports that Huawei’s P series will have a full-screen display with a notch just like the iPhone X. Although, no one knows what the notch will look like, one of the images shows the P11 Lite with a notch like the iPhone X.
There are two image with the Huawei P11 Lite design. One is a gold variant with thin white bezels surrounding the screen and the other is gray with black bezels. Both images advertise screen protectors for the phone.
The other two mockups advertise cases for the phone but have a different design. The top bezel is home to the front facing camera, sensors and earpiece while the lower bezel has the Huawei branding.The back reveals a dual camera design in a vertical arrangement with a circular fingerprint scanner below the setup and a LED flash above.
Apart from the differences in the screens, both sets of images also differ in button placements. On the iPhone X-esque variant, the buttons are on the left while the other images that advertise the cases have their buttons on the right.