২০১৭ সালে Mobile phone এর জগতে আইফোনের নতুন চমক

নতুন বছরে নতুন কিছু নিয়ে আসছে  Apple । Mobile phone এর দুনিয়ায় বিশ্ব বিখ্যাত ব্র্যান্ড Apple অবশ্যই চাইবে নতুন কিছু দিয়ে সবাইকে চমকিয়ে দিতে। Mobile phone এর জগতে iphone এর জনপ্রিয়তা দিন দিন বেড়েই চলছে। আর  apple অবশ্যই নতুন কিছু দিয়ে আরো জনপ্রিয়তা বাড়াতে চাইবে এতে কোন সন্দেহ নেই।

২০০৭ সাল থেকেই আইফোন mobile phone এর জগতে, বৈপ্লবিক পরিবর্তন এনেছে। সেই শুরু থেকে সারে তিন ইঞ্চি মাপের টাচস্কিন mobile phone  থেকে শুরু করে এজ ওয়াই-ফাই ব্লুটুথ সহ apple এর নিজস্ব অপারেটিং সিস্টেমের mobile phone বিশ্ব কে অবাক করিয়ে দিয়েছিল।  এমনকি Time Magazine  ওই বছর আইফোন কে সেরা Award দিয়েছিল।

দিন যত যায় সব কিছুতে নতুন কিছু পরিবর্তন আসে। এক সময়কার mobile phone  আজ Smartphone এ চলে এসেছে। Mobile phone এর ফিচারের পরিবর্তন হয়ে নতুন নতুন application  যোগ হয়ে আজ mobile phone স্মার্ট ফোনে রূপান্তরিত।

এক দশকে mobile phone এর দুনিয়ায় Apple মতো করে দুনিয়া কাপিয়ে দেয়ার মতো কোন Smartphone  বাজারে আসেনি। আইফোন এর হাত ধরেই mobile phone এর জগতে নতুন নতুন প্রযুক্তির সাথে পরিচয় হয়েছে। এর মধ্যে আছে Google এর Android, Google now এবং বাঁকানো স্কিনের mobile phone

দিন যত যাবে Smartphone এ আরো বিপুল পরিমানে পরিবর্তন আসবে। Smartphone আরো নমনিয় হবে আর ভাজ করা যাবে। Mobile phone  এর জগতে অনেক নামকরা ব্র্যান্ড Samsung ইতিমধ্যেই বাঁকানো Smartphone বাজারে নিয়ে এসেছে। হতেও পারে এই বছরেই Samsung  ভাজকরা Smartphone বাজারে নিয়ে আসবে।

তবে ধারনা করা হয়েছে ২০২০ সালে ঘড়ির মতো বাঁকানো যায় এমন Smartphone   বাজারে আসবে। Smartphone এর জগতে আর একটি পরিবর্তন আসতে পারে যে, Smartphone এ কোনো Home Button  থাকবে না। Home Button ছাড়া বিভিন্ন সেন্সর যুক্ত করে Smartphone তৈরি হবে।

বাজার গবেষণার তথ্য অনুযায়ি এ বছর mobile phone এর বাজারে প্রায় ১৫০ কোটি Smartphone বিক্রি হবার সম্ভনা আছে। অগমেনটেড রিয়্যালিটি এ বছর mobile phone এর বাজারে অনেক বড় জায়গা করে নিবে বলে ধারনা করা হয়েছে।

Mobile phone in Bangladesh

The mobile phone in Bangladesh is comparative to the rest of the world but there is a rise in use. There are 130,843,000 mobile phone users in Bangladesh as of 2014.This is impressive as Bangladesh has 157,497,000 loving residents. This number will rise in next 5 years where only 1 percent of the population will be without a phone.

The market is growing exponentially and is showing signs of promise. With that said if you or your loved Ones are in the market to buy a phone. Our website buymobile.com.bd will help you along that process. We review all of the Smartphone on the market so you get all the information and questions answered before making your purchase. Just search what your budget is and see what your Smartphone in 2016 is. Search android mobile phone or apple, Xiaomi and the use your discretion as to which phone will suit your needs.

Smartphone in 2016 holds a lot of technology promises such as the Xiaomi, Meizu, Htc etc. this means you will have the opportunity of buying a much cheaper phone than the new ones. I phone, android mobile phones, all it comes down to is what your prefer. This is the mobile phone in Bangladesh. I hope this article has given some information you might not have known otherwise. Remember take your time when picking out a phone because it is a pretty big decision since some of them are pretty.

Expensive, be sure that you love the phone and know the specification and out before purchase.

২০১৬ তে Mobile phone এর সেরা Social Apps

বছর শেষ। এবার হিসাব নিকাশের পালা। সবাই হিসাব নিকাশে ব্যাস্ত। বছর পরিবর্তনের সাথে প্রযুক্তিগত পরিবর্তন আসে। হিসাব করে দেখা গেলো আমরা প্রায় সময়েই mobile phone এর বিভিন্ন Apps নিয়ে ব্যাস্ত থাকি। আর mobile phone এর জন্যই নতুন নতুন Apps আসে। Mobile phone এর এই Apps ছাড়া আমাদের একটা দিনেও চলে না। আর বিশেষ করে আমরা Social Apps গুলো নিয়ে বেশি ব্যাস্ত থাকি। আমরা যেহেতু এতটা সময় এগুলোর পিছনে দেই তাহলে এই Apps নিয়ে আমাদের একটা হিসাব করা উচিত। ২০১৬ তে অনেক Apps এ নতুনত্ব কিছুনা কিছু নিয়ে আসছে। তাহলে চলুন দেখে নেই ২০১৬ তে mobile phone এর সেরা Social Apps কোন গুলো ছিলো।

Facebook :
প্রথমে যার কথা না বললেই নয়। সকালের ঘুম ভাঙ্গা থেকে শুরু করে রাতে ঘুমাতেও যাওয়া হয় যাকে নিয়ে সে হলো Facebook। যখনেই একটু সময় পাই বা কাজের ফাঁকে একবার হলেও চোখ বুলাতে ভুলিনা । ২০১৬ তে সেরা Social Apps এর তালিকায় আছে ফেসবুক। যার Rating Rate 4.00 আর ডাউনলোড করা হয়েছে ১ বিলিয়ন বার।

Facebook Messenger:
ফেসবুকের পর পরেই যার স্থান। এই Facebook Messenger ২০১৬ তে নতুন করে ভিডিও কলিং ব্যবস্থা চালু করেছে। Chatting থেকে শুরু করে video calling পর্যন্ত করা যায় এই apps এ। Apps টি ডাউনলোড করা হয়েছে ১ বিলিয়ন বার আর Rating 3.9।

২০১৬ তে Apps টি অনেক ব্যবহার করা হয়েছে। ফটো শেয়ারিং এর জন্য Apps টি অনেক জনপ্রিয় হয়ে উঠেছে। Rating Rate 4.5 আর ডাউনলোড করা হয়েছে ১ বিলিয়ন বার।

Linked in খুব গুরুত্বপূর্ণ একটা Apss । Job, Business, profession সব কিছুর সাথে Linked in জড়িত। এ পর্যন্ত Apps টি ৫০ বিলিয়ন বার ডাউনলোড করা হয়েছে আর Rating Rate 4.2 ।

What’s App Messenger:
Mobile phone Apps এর মধ্যে খুব দ্রুত ম্যাসেজ Transfer করা যার কাজ। খুব Simple হলেও এই Apps এর মাধ্যমে Chatting, Calling, Photo Sharing করা যায়। Simple এই Apps টি Rating এর দিক থেকে অনেক এগিয়ে আছে। Rating rate 4.4 আর ডাউনলোড করা হয়েছে ১ বিলিয়ন বার ।

Social Apps এর মধ্যে আর একটি জনপ্রিয় Apps Twitter। টুইটারে পোস্ট অনেক Short করে দিতে হয় । Rating এ Twitter 4.2 হলেও এ পর্যন্ত ৫০০ বিলিয়ন বার ডাউনলোড করা হয়েছে।

Best mobile phone of the year 2016

A  Smartphone is a mobile phone with an advanced mobile operating system.  We are live in an era of Smartphone. Most of the people are using Smartphone. Nowadays Smartphone is a very important device. we cannot imagine a moment without the mobile phone. Use of mobile phone increasing day by day. The running year 2016 has released lot of mobile phone that’s why called 2016 was a big year for Smartphone.

In 2016 lot of mobile phone comes in the market and lot of differents brand and model comes with the new version and latest feature.

Samsung galaxy S7 and s7 edge comes with refined design and some killer space. HTC 10 comes with smooth software with an impressive audio feature which is a gift you nice audio quality.

Then comes to oneplus brand. We introduce from Oneplus to OnePlus 3t  which has got so much popularity. OnePlus  3T comes with a new feature which name is dash charge. At the end of the year, LG and Moto comes with Modular Smartphone.

Already 2016 gives us a lot of Smartphone with new design.

Latest version and an impressive feature that’s why 2016 was the android year.

So as the year winds down, we wanted to know, all of the android phones what was your best android phone of 2016?

Was it the Google pixel, OnePlus, Alcatel, Samsung or something else?

User facing problem with Google home owner speaker

The Google already produced the mobile phone and one month ago Google produced a home speaker. The Google Home connected speaker has been available for over a month now, but a few owners complain this speaker and reported that the device just randomly stops playing music in the middle of playing a song. But they can’t find out, where the problem and there’s no explanation for why this might be happening.

Some of the people comment different things. Google’s support forums have a number of posts from owners on this issue, including one who says it occurs while using voice commands to play a song or when Google Home is casting from a phone or PC. But many of the owners have tried to reboot the speaker, but the problem keeps popping up.

Some owner comment  that a bad Internet or  WiFi connection may be to fault.  But others have stated their connection seems to be fine when it is in use to stream content to other devices.  A Google posted on the forums on Nov. 19 stating the company is going to do some “further research on this matter”. However, that’s the last time that a team member has posted on the issue in those forums. At that time, more and more owners of Google Home have been reporting the same random music interruption.

If you own a Google Home speaker and if you fall in any kinds of problems, please let us know your impressions in the comments.

Alcatel brought featured phone for smartphone users

Alcatel Onetouch 20.12D is not only a phone.  it’s a feature phone and you may use it as your Bluetooth phone. Let me talk about the Bluetooth phone. Why you call Bluetooth phone to Alcatel Onetouch 20.12D.

Most of the people are now using the smartphone and they used to with the smart use of social networking, Browsing, Gaming and using very smart apps. But without an extra phone, it’s making very pressure on smart technology. So we are trying to use an extra or back phone. But if this extra phone becomes a feature phone what will happen? That will be a very surprising and interesting, Right!!!

Alcatel Onetouch 20.12D brought that kind of special feature. You have to use this phone as your Bluetooth phone. You can control your incoming and outgoing call, enjoy music and video, and operate a lot of functions.


What you can do by this Phone:

  • Get contact list of your Smartphone.
  • You can make a call (Receive and Dial).
  • Share and send the message.
  • Music and video controlling.


Why you buy this Bluetooth phone?

  • Stylish look: it’s a stylish folding set. Have two color Dark chocolate and soft gold.
  • Easy Using system: it’s using function are very easy.
  • Affordable price: price is very low and it is available in BDT 3200/-
  • Make you stylish from others: your special phone must make you stylish from others due to its feature and stylish Look.

How to connect Alcatel Onetouch 20.12D
with Smartphone:

  • Step-1: Do switch On of both Smartphone and 20.12D.
  • Step-2: Do On the BT Dialer function of 20.12D.
  • Step-3: Do pair with both phones.

Xiaomi Redmi 3s VS Samsung J5

In the Smartphone market, we know about Xiaomi brand.  Xiaomi is a Chinese word and Xiaomi Smartphone is also Chinese. In ten mobile Xiaomi is one of them.  The latest mobile Xiaomi Redmi 3s already released and we get much information about that Smartphone.

Xiaomi Redmi 3S Smartphone was launched in June 2016. The phone comes with a 5.00-inch touchscreen display with a resolution of 720 pixels by 1280 pixels. Xiaomi Redmi 3S price bd starts from 12,490 and its available buymobile.com.bd.

The Xiaomi Redmi 3S is powered by 1.1GHz octa-core Qualcomm Snapdragon 430 processor and it comes with 2GB of RAM and 16GB of internal storage that can be expanded up to 128GB via a micro SD card. As far as the cameras are concerned the Xiaomi Redmi 3S 13-megapixel primary camera on the rear and a 5-megapixel front camera for selfies. All of the people knows about Samsung brand and it’s a competitor brand. I wanted to discuss Xiaomi Redmi 3s with Samsung j5 that’s the latest mobile in the recent time.

So let’s see the comparison between those models.



GENERAL Xiaomi Redmi 3s Samsung J5
Price Bd 12,490tk Bd 15,490tk
Form factor Touchscreen Touchscreen
Dimensions (mm) 139.30 x 69.60 x 8.50 142.00 x 73.00 x 7.90
Weight (g) 144.00 149.00
Battery capacity (mAh) 4100 2600
Removable battery No Yes
Colours Grey, Silver, Gold Black, White, Gold
Screen size (inches) 5.00 5.00
Touchscreen Yes Yes
Resolution 720×1280 pixels 720×1280 pixels
Processor 1.1GHz octa-core 1.2GHz quad-core
Processor make Qualcomm Snapdragon 430 Qualcomm Snapdragon 410
Internal storage 16GB 8GB
Expandable storage Yes Yes
Expandable storage type microSD microSD
Expandable storage up to (GB) 128 128
Rear camera 13-megapixel 13-megapixel
Flash Yes Yes
Front camera 5-megapixel 5-megapixel
Operating System Android 6.0.1 Android 6.0.1
Skin MIUI 7 TouchWiz UI
Wi-Fi Yes Yes
Wi-Fi standards supported 802.11 b/g/n 802.11 b/g/n
GPS Yes Yes
Bluetooth Yes, v 4.10 Yes, v 4.10
Infrared Yes No
Headphones 3.5mm 3.5mm
FM Yes Yes
Number of SIMs 2 2
SIM Type Micro-SIM Micro-SIM
3G Yes Yes
4G/LTE Yes Yes
Compass/ Magnetometer Yes No
Proximity sensor Yes Yes
Accelerometer Yes Yes
Ambient light sensor Yes No
Gyroscope Yes No

We saw the difference between those model. It will be easy to way which model choose you.

Comparison of Meizu M3 note VS Motorola Moto G4 Plus

We know about Meizu M3 note . Meizu is one of the top ten Smartphone manufacturers in China. Meizu further extended its portfolio of M series products by releasing the Meizu M3 note. The M3 note is the new Smartphone of Chinese phone company Meizu.

Meizu m3 note Smartphone was launch in April 2016. The phone comes with a 5.50-inch touchscreen display with a resolution of 1080 pixels by 1920 pixels. The Meizu m3 note is powered by 1GHz octa-core MediaTek Helio P10 processor and it comes with 2GB of RAM and 16GB of internal storage that can be expanded up to 256GB via a card. As far as the cameras are concerned, the Meizu m3 note packs a 13-megapixel primary camera on the rear and a 5-megapixel front shooter for selfies.

In the last days, we have learned about Meizu M3s and saw the difference between Meizu m3s and Samsung A5. But today I wanted to discuss meizu m3 note and Motorola Moto G4 Plus.

So, let’s see the difference between Meizu M3 note vs Motorola Moto G4 Plus.

GENERAL Meizu m3 note Motorola Moto G4 Plus
Price Bd 15990.00tk Bd 19550.00tk
Release date April 2016 May 2016
Form factor Touchscreen Touchscreen
Dimensions (mm) 153.60 x 75.50 x 8.20 153.00 x 76.60 x 7.90
Weight (g) 163.00 155.00
Battery capacity (mAh) 4100 3000
Removable battery No No
Colours Gold, Gray, White Black, White
Screen size (inches) 5.50 5.50
Touchscreen Yes Yes
Resolution 1080×1920 pixels 1080×1920 pixels
Pixels per inch (PPI) 403 401
Processor 1GHz octa-core 1.5GHz octa-core
Processor make MediaTek Helio P10 Qualcomm Snapdragon 617
RAM 2GB and 3GB 2GB
Internal storage 16GB 16GB
Expandable storage Yes Yes
Expandable storage type microSD – microSD
Expandable storage up to (GB) 256GB -128GB
Rear camera 13-megapixel 16-megapixel
Flash Yes Yes
Front camera 5-megapixel 5-megapixel
Operating System Android 5.1 Android 6.0.1
Wi-Fi Yes Yes
wi-fi standards supported 802.11 b/g/n 802.11 a/b/g/n
GPS Yes No
Bluetooth Yes, v 4.00 Yes, v 4.10
Infrared No Yes
Headphones 3.5mm 3.5mm
Number of SIMs 2 2
SIM Type Micro-SIM
3G Yes Yes
4G/LTE Yes Yes
Compass/ Magnetometer Yes No
Proximity sensor Yes Yes
Accelerometer Yes Yes
Ambient light sensor Yes Yes
Gyroscope Yes Yes

We saw caparison between Meizu m3 note and Motorola Moto G4 Plus. It will be easy to way that which mobile phone perfect for you.


Feature Phone Alcatel 20.12D VS Samsung C3590

A feature phone is a class of mobile phone that term is classically used as a retronym to explain low-end mobile phones. which are limited in capabilities indifference to a modern Smartphone .

Feature phones naturally provide voice calling and text messaging functionality in addition to basic multimedia and internet capabilities and other services.  The era of smartphones  we are using also feature phone.

That’s why Alcatel brings  a new feature phone Namely Alcatel Onetouch 20.12D.  On the other hand, Samsung is a worldwide best brand and Samsung has produced a number of a feature phone. So today I wanted to the comparison between Alcatel Onetouch 20.12D And Samsung C3590.

So let’s have look at what’s the difference between those feature phones.

Alcatel vs samsung


GENERAL Alcatel Onetouch 20.12D  Samsung C3590
Price Bd 3199.00tk Bd 4100.00tk
Dimensions (mm) 106.00 x 52.50 x 13.55 mm 100.9 x 50.9 x 17.3 mm
Weight (g) 98.00 g 99.8 g
Battery capacity (mAh) Li-Ion 750 mAh Li-Ion 800 mAh battery
Colours Dark chocolate,full white, softgold Black, Silver, Red.
DISPLAY 262k colors TFT, 256K colors
Screen size (inches) 2.8 inches 2.4 inches
LED incator yes no
PHONE feature GSM Quad band (850/900/1800/1900)

Chipset MKT6260C Pluto

Cpu speed 360MHz

EDGE DL,GPRS glass 12

Wap 2.0/xHTML

2G Network  –  GSM 850 / 900 / 1800 / 1900

GSM 850 / 900 / 1800 / 1900 – GT-C3592

3G Network –   HSDPA 900 / 2100 – GT-C3595

Internal storage 64GB 32GB
Expandable storage No No
Rear camera 3 Mpx 2 Mpx
Bluetooth 3.0 yes
Headphones 3.5mm 3.5mm
Dual sim yes yes
Internal Storage 128MB
Micro sd card Up to 8GB Up 32GB
Sound Music player

Formats: H263,MPEG4,MIDI,iMelody,AMR-NB

64-tones polyphonic melodies

Stereo FM radio RDS

Handsfree,flaight mode, vibrator

MP3/eAAC+ player

– MP4/H.264 player

FM radio with RDS


We have seen that the difference between Alcatel Onetouch 20.12D and Samsung C3590. It’s easy going to like which feature phone perfect for you.

Bluetooth phone 20.12D


Alcatel Onetouch 20.12D is offering the simplicity.This phone has an elegant look with crome and rounded lines.Alcatel brand’s this phone in very efficient price for most proficient features.Many types of multimedia features with this phone.

Specification of 20.12D-

1.This phone has intuitive interface and physical buttons that are large and provide unmatched usability.It also has a light weight body which makes the phone very handy.For this design it is very easy to keep in pocket.The weights of this phone is only 98 gram and having the dimention of this phone is 107*53.7*13.95mm.

2.20.12D comes with 2.8 inch display and 240*320 resolution approx 167 ppi pixel density on which you can explore videos and images. You also can use camera as well.

3.This phone supports 16 memory card in which you can store your images and videos or any other files which you want to save safely and without being out of memory.

4.750 mAh is the battery capacity of this feature phone and battery technology is Lithium ion.This phones talk time up to 6 h and standby time up to 450h. The charge time is 3h of this phone.

5.3MP primary camera is the camera specification of this phone.You can capture best photos with this 3MP camera.MIDI, MP3, iMelody, AMR-NB are the audio codes and MPEG4,H263 are the video codes of the phone.

6.Up to 1000 contacts, date & clock, voice recorder, voice alarm, Calculator, unit converter, bloac/white list, Alarm clock with multiple ringtones, Vcard/Vcall, conference call all the advantage is in this phone.

7.Bluetooth 3.o, Micro USB 1.1 full speed, 16MB/16MB internal storage, dual sim dual standby,BT dialer are the connectivity of Alcatel Onetouch 20.12D.

Various facilities of fun suck as FM radio and Music player are in this phone.High quality,linear and clean design are the speciality of Alcatel Onetouch 20.12D.The main speciality of this phone is Bluetooth phone.You can operate another smartphone with this Bluetooth phone.
