mesothelioma law firm
  • Mesothelioma law firms concentrate on cases involving asbestos. For patients and families dealing with mesothelioma, they specialize in handling trust fund claims, wrongful death lawsuits, and personal injury cases. Sokolove Law was established in 1979 by Jim Sojove. His drive and vision contributed to thousands of people receiving justice and compensation.
Mesothelioma Lawsuit
  • An asbestos lawsuit may be the best option for you and your loved ones if your family is dealing with mesothelioma. Patients who have been given a mesothelioma diagnosis may be able to sue for personal injury. You might be able to bring a wrongful death lawsuit if you passed away due to this illness. Depending on the type of claim made, different steps must be taken in order to file a mesothelioma lawsuit.